Sah-Ko Serving Industries with Reliability and Quality

About us

We are a company of highly skilled metal industry professionals. We ensure that our customers’ productions run reliably and effectively. We are also there for you to work with new industrial projects such as production plants and other facilities.

Our customers benefit from our versatility and broad service chain which brings easiness, certainty and flexibility. We provide the needed metal materials, manufacture machined and welded parts, steel structures, pipelines and tanks. We also do industrial installations, repairs, modifications and maintenance work for you. Our wide network of partners covers special needs such as fine/precision mechanics parts, special surface treatments, fine paintwork, design services etc. Sah-Ko was founded in 1955. We are located in Oulu Finland and are also able to work in international projects.

Products and Services

Navigointikuvake - Metallimyynti.

Metal Sales

Our metal sales has the largest metal selection in Northern Finland. Main focus is in different grades and shapes of steel and aluminium. Available are also e.g. brass and copper materials. Metal sales unit provides materials to our internal units as well as selling to external customers and retailers. We get materials fastly and reliably from manufacturers’ direct sales units. Our materials meet the high western standards.

Navigointikuvake - Konepajapalvelut.

Machinery Services

The core of our machinery services is manufacturing of demanding machined and welded parts and structures. We produce e.g. machined parts, CNC flame cutted sheets, bent and roll-bent sheets, welded parts and structures, including  steel structures by SFS-EN 1090 standard in execution classes EXC1, EXC2 and EXC3.

Complex part structures can be assembled in our separated assembly/maintenance hall. We also have an abrasive blast and painting line with a twin railtrack suitable also for large and heavy objects.

Navigointikuvake - Teollisuusputkistot ja säiliöt.

Pipe and Tank Manufacturing

We manufacture pipes, pipelines, piping bridges and tanks according to Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) of the European Union. Our pipe bending CNC machine enables us to bend pipes so that they maintain their original shape profile, reducing the need of welded seams and inspections of the seams. We do also installation and repair work.

Navigointikuvake - Teollisuuden asennus- ja kunnossapitopalvelut.

Industrial Installation and Maintenance Services

Versatile installations, repair and maintenance services with solid professional workmanship. Our all-round and experienced personnel and complete tool collections enable us to finish the work without unnecessary hassle and delays. Equipment maintenance can be done on-site or in our own assembly/maintenance hall.

We also deliver and install Alfa Laval heat exchangers and also offer CIP (Clean In Place) heat exchanger cleaning service in customer’s premises without a need to disassemble the heat exchanger.

Raiko – Excellence in Icebreaking

The original Raiko icebreaker. No compromises. Made to work in harsh winter environments.

We are manufacturer of Raiko icebreakers which break up ice and compacted snow without damage to pavement. Less chemicals and corrosive combination of sand and salt – Use nature friendly mechanical ice removal. Step into the next level of winter ground maintenance and get excellent results – Fast and in a sustainable way!

For more information visit the Raiko Icebreakers’ international website

Hexxaclean – Heat Exchanger CIP Cleaners

Hexxaclean is a custom design heat exchanger cleaner for Data Centers and other demanding industries who need the best performance and reliability. With Hexxaclean it is possible to clean the heat exchanger in its location without the need to move or disassemble the heat exchanger.

Cleaner is designed and manufactured by the characteristics of the customers’ heat exchanger and the space it is used in.  High quality parts, trusted manufacturer and tailored service models provides the best possible results and value.

For more information visit the Hexxaclean international website


Our customers work e.g. in the fileds of Manufacturing, Energy, Mining, Infrastructure, Medical, Transportation etc.

Management & Environment, Health & Safety, Financial Certifications

Our values and sustainability

Customer satisfaction, flexibility, quality of work and keeping our promises are important to us. Our work safety, sustainability and production methods are developed actively.

We have ISO 9001:2015 Management and ISO 14001:2015 Environment certificates and we have successfully passed HSEQ Health and Safety audit. We utilize materials as far as possible and the rest unusable pieces are collected in separate bins by their material type and recycled regularly via a recycling service company.

SFS-EN 1090 teräsrakenteiden valmistussertifikaatti myöntäjänä Dekra
ISO 9001 laatu ja johtamisjärjestelmäsertifikaatti myöntäjänä SGS
ISO 14001 ympäristösertifikaatti myöntäjänä SGS
HSEQ työturvallisuus ja työhyvinvointisertifikaatti
Logo of Dun & Bradstreet lowest credit risk rating.
Asiakastieto. "Suomen vahvimmat Platina 2014-2023" logo.

Contact Information

Sah-Ko:n toimitusjohtaja Jukka Estama.

Jukka Estama

Managing Director

Mobile: +358 400 530 815

Also contact for metal sales, machinery services, industrial pipelines and tanks and Raiko products

Tommi Mäkelä

Head of Unit

Industrial Installation and Maintenance
Mobile: +358 50 595 6850

Also contact for Hexxaclean products

E-mails are in the form of

sah-ko oy tuotannon turvaaja laadun tekijä logo

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